Sunday, 27 October 2013

I Am African...

I am African according to them I sleep with lions in my home I walk outside naked My life depends on aid from the united states And in terms of that aid, It seems I need a barbie doll for Christmas more than I need food I am African according to them I even walk outside barefoot I always think of robbing a store every time I walk into one I always dream of selling drugs I have no education and apparently i dont even speak English I am married with 3 kids at the age of 16 I can run a marathon in less than 2 hours I am African according to them My president has been Nelson Mandela for the past 30 years I look exactly like the people in Jamaica I can never be found with real hair on my head I listen to rap music all the time And i can school anyone at basketball My butt is bigger than my brain I am African according to them But who are they to say who I am?


Submission by Ruthdol Ywaya, Kenya

Africa Awareness Initiative & Caribbean African Association Member

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruthdol.
    This is an excellent expression of what you have said and felt! It was really nice to read this poem. Let's chat sometime whenever you have the time. My email is Thanks and take care!
